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Glory Gang

How to use the DVDs

Tools for leaders to operate a cell group to help train others in the things of the Lord.

This is the time of the great awakening. There are many people who have not found their ministry as of yet. This is your opportunity to share the good news. Is God calling you? You can form a group of any kind…It might be your family, your neighborhood friends, kids that live near you, people from church, relatives, etc. This is not just for kids….”big” kids and adults as well enjoy the lessons, skits, and puppets.

These are not animated bible stories. These are not run-of-the-mill teachings of short stories. These are live people, using lessons, skits, and puppets.

cross on mountain top glory gang
family watching a glory gang dvd

I believed God when He said I was to help people to become leaders in their areas… in their homes or wherever they could form groups. There are different ways to lead. You can lead a group in whatever capacity you are comfortable with. These are some of the different ways.

  1. Simply play the video. Generally, it runs 25 to 30 minutes. That’s it! Play the video and leave it open for group discussion.
  2. Play the video and print off the free supplemental lesson on the website. In this lesson, you will find 3 sections. You could have your “guests” look up the passages and discuss them. It helps them to become familiar with their bibles. Most Christians aren’t that familiar with their bibles. Questions are in the second part… open for discussion.
  3. You can have them repeat the confessions after you say them. Using this suggestion could easily take up to an hour.

Other Suggestions wherever you are comfortable.

  1. You could even give a welcome and goodbye hug, so hopefully, they will return.
  2. You could offer a snack.
  3. You could make a game of memorizing one of the scriptures. There are many ways to do this depending on the age of your group and the amount of people.

You could, of course, have a prayer time. It could be just you opening and possibly closing. You could ask for prayer requests. Others could pray for the group, for their families, for the unsaved, for our country, for our president, etc. It could be a short time or lengthy one.

children gathered around table holding hands - glory gang family biblical truth

I would definitely pray about the people you would want to invite as well as pray for each person daily. Make sure you bind the devil from interfering with your group. He usually tries to put an obstacle in the path of the people you are inviting. Pray every day for these people in your quiet time. Pray that their eyes will be open and see, their ears will hear the truth, their hearts will become soft. Pray they will become saved, healed, delivered and set free. Pray whatever God lays on your heart.

Adults seem to really like Glory Gang as well as children. The “milk” is in them; the “meat” is also. Children want to see their parents interested in biblical things. They learn by example too.

The salvation message is brought up in the videos generally once in a DVD. If you are comfortable, you could have the group repeat after you, if there was not an invitation and there are people there that need to know the truth. The same with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and with healing… as the Lord leads. You are the boss… under our Lord Jesus.

There is nothing more important than to pass on to your children and others the Word of God. It will prepare them for the real world. There are coaches, teachers, counselors, etc,.They are good and have their place, but they cannot teach them what the Lord Jesus can. All of us need to know what happens when we leave planet earth. We are here for a short time. These Glory Gang episodes will teach them.

People are hungry for the truth. The fields are white unto harvest. These DVD’s teach the basics of Christianity the way Christ taught his disciples. Jesus said in John 14:12, “He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to my Father.”

Come and join Glory Gang as we explore the Word of God in lessons, skits, and puppets. Stir up your ministry. Win souls for Christ. Let’s do the works of Jesus together.